Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Song

a blank slate leaves me speechless
spotless in a vault all full of dust
broken dreams hidden in rafters
faded memories long lost to rust
resting in a puddle of spilled drinks and ashes from last night
there's no chalk in sight

the sun shines in the window
dancing with a cobweb
it casts away the shadows
and the ghosts from in my head
reflecting off the chalkboard that has nothing to display
words can only betray

i can't trust myself
running away from help
always playing the same old game
living for today
hiding from the shame
keep on making the same mistakes
how much can you take

the attic starts to shudder
an earthquake's taken hold
files flutter from their shelves
the pessimist's dream foretold
splintered hope rains down like tears everywhere i look
you're the ground that shook

i can't trust myself
running away from help
always playing the same old game
living for today
hiding from your name
keep on making the same mistakes
how much can you take

i don't know what to say
i can't seem to portray
my thoughts right
but tonight
i just need you with me
i do and i don't but
i can't so i won't
i know you are long gone
so i'll try to move on
why can't they ever see
i don't want you with me

i can't trust myself
running away from help
sick of playing to same old game

i will trust myself
bidding you farewell
no more hiding from your name
starting over today
taking on the blame
no more making the same mistakes
i'm writing on the slate

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