Thursday, April 21, 2011

In which I create a Horcrux

Horcrux: an object in which a dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality.

Let me tell you a story.

Once upon a time (or actually just a few years ago), there lived a girl. Her name was Tori (totally coincidental). One day, Tori realized that she had too many scrap bits of paper lying around, cluttering her castle (because this is a fairytale, right?). She loved writing down tales of her adventures, but it was just so messy. She decided to do something about it. So Tori gathered up all her favorite works and summoned the magical elf scribe…

Okay this is getting a little ridiculous. But seriously. I had sooooo many notebooks, papers, napkins, and random hunks of cardboard (because paper is soo hard to find) just full of stuff. Poems, stories, essays, monologues, limericks, just everything you could imagine. And I just got so sick of it being there. So I typed everything up into my nice, shiny new laptop and got rid of the mess.*

Idiot. Stupid stupid stupid freaking idiot.

That was my soul. I gave a part of my soul to my computer that day. And it was dumb because electronics break and can’t be trusted. So it’s gone. My poor soul. But I’m over it. That’s the point of the horcrux, right? You give up part of your soul to protect the rest of you. You become stronger as two. The only thing is, I lost it. Harry Effing Potter destroyed my horcrux** and now I’m left defenseless. Vulnerable. Able to be killed.

So it sucks. I lost some soul. But I still have my original soul, it’s not going anywhere. Now I can make a new horcrux. It’ll even probably be better than the first.

I guess what I’m trying to get at here is that you can split your soul apart and put it all out there just to be ripped to shreds and destroyed. You’ll be defenseless and weak for a while but as long as you can fight hard enough to stay alive, it’ll be okay. You just make another horcrux. Hell, make ten. Spread them out far and wide for people to find. Some might be broken, others cherished and protected. As long as those pieces of you are out there, you are connected to the world. Immortal. Strings of self that may be severed but are always replaced. As long as your soul exists outside of yourself, you are safe. You have a purpose. A meaning.

That’s why I write. That’s why this matters.

 *Unfortunately this process did not involve elves.
**I love Harry Potter. Even if he destroyed my (Voldemort’s?) soul.


  1. I LOVE THIS. <3 It's so true that the things we write are little pieces of our souls and when you lose them, it's like you lost a part of yourself! Very very good and well-written and unique!:D

  2. This is AMAZING! I agree with this completely. I am just WAY too tired to leave a cooler, more complex comment than Brittany. But I promise next time you write a blog, I will outdo her comment. But seriously, this was well-written and spoke to me tremendously. I too have put everything I've ever written on the computer. I transfered it - my soul - to the devil. I've found myself typing out stories on my laptop rather than by pen and paper. It's bad. I'm trying to go BACK to writing with pen and paper. I feel like it is more intimate that way. Also, I agree with Brittany, that the things we write are indeed pieces of our souls. I mean, it's why I write. This was excellent.
    Okay, I accidentally outdid Brittany. I am not sure how considering I was about to fall asleep when I wanted to comment on this. But then I started writing and it just kept coming to me. Yep, well, you can tell I am tired because when I am tired I babble a whole lot of nonsense. Sorry for this extra long comment. Have fun reading it. SUCKER!
